Thoughts on the software industry, design, tech, music, and my personal life.

I've been online since 2000. Since then the internet changed a lot and meanwhile I've found a ton of cool things. This is the place I want to share some of them. Use the search below to filter by title.

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How we clone a running VM in 2 seconds

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Interactions will become transactions

Is this where the web will go?

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Use Google like a pro

Googling is one of the most important skills for every developer

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Le Corbusier as I Knew Him (1977)

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Embrace the Grind

Magic and Tech

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This is the final motherf***ing website.

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Automate your development and release process

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The zombie economy and digital arm-breakers

Nice read from Cory Doctorow

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React and D3

Visualising Data on the web

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Font Rendering 101

this is why your design looks blury

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Emoji under the hood

How to emojis

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Next-Generation Screen sharing

Miro for Screens

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AI names colors much as humans do

So how many times did they have to tweak their algorithm to get this nice result?

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Your web font utility belt

glyphhanger: cool command line tool for exploration and subset creation of web fonts.

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The ecosystem of the Go programming language

I`m very into go, its so simple to write it. Here is a cool overview about it.

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The Invention of a New Pasta Shape


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Nobody designs for small iPhone devices anymore

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This is what your computer does all day.

Tracking you!

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Still Alive

Slate Star Codex is back!

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The S in IOT is for Security

Pwning the Lamp..

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Checkout UX


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Drop In CSS

check the bookmarklet too!

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Find new fonts with fontspark

Great tool for inspiration.

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CSS Grid Garden

Learn CSS Grid playful

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Lyon Béton

But give it the care it deserves, and it will last for generations.

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In case you need a logo ;)

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Cool tool if you need to shrink svgs / optimize it for the interwebs

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Darknet Diaries

Cool Podcast with true stories from the dark side of the Internet

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In 2020, Two Thirds of Google Searches Ended Without a Click

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Optimo Type Foundry

Fonts from Switzerland

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The color of anything

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single-file distributable web server. redbean can serve 1 million+ gzip encoded responses per second on a cheap personal computer.

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Graphics Programming Weekly

I’ve always wanted to get into graphical programming but I always get hung up on creating anything. Shaders feel like black magic to me. Here are some awesome resources on it.

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How Bufferoverflows are made

or how to exploit them, back in the 90s

Hello World

In case you wonder how this website is made.